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Upcoming Gathering of the Homeopathic Community

Sunday, December 10th, 2023
11:30 am - 1:30 pm 

@1pm What gifts do we uniquely bring to the world (&our practice if we have one)?
Sunnyside Conservatory in San Francisco, 236 Monterey Blvd
Bring a dish (not required) & someone if you wish
Musical stylings by Tandem, featuring Corey Weinstein & 
Dave Melamed


Nov 17, 2019

Join us on Sunday, November 17th for a tour of historical homeopathy sites around San Francisco, 2 - 6pm

Homeopathic History Tour of San Francisco!

Where Were the Homeopaths in early 1900’s San Francisco?

Join us on Sunday, November 17th for a tour of historical homeopathy sites, from William Boericke’s office downtown, to the site of Hahnemann Hospital, we’ll be walking and riding a van together seeing various places and learning a bit about SF history from the perspective of Homeopathy.

Edi Pfeiffer, CCH, has long been a history nerd, and is now writing a historical novel from the viewpoint of native San Franciscan Florence Nightingale Ward, MD. Edi has a lot of interesting facts to share about the early days of homeopathy in San Francisco and about some of the places our predecessors studied, practiced, taught, and lived their daily lives.

May 07, 2017

Meet and greet local homeopaths Shana Sturm, Edi Pfeiffer and Melanie Elms

Oakland Center for Homeopathy Open House

Celebrate the new office location of these experienced, local homeopaths.

Meet and greet, ask your questions about homeopathy!





Divine Monkey Homeopathy New Office Open House & Talk on Homeopathy

Please join Sandi Kaplan  to celebrate the 
New Office for Divine Monkey Homeopathy

Friday, March 31st
5:00-7:00 pm

3689 18th Street at Dolores in San Francisco   (across the street from Dolores Park)

5:00 pm - come say hi, have a snack
6:00 pm - stay for a short talk on how homeopathy works

Divine Monkey Homeopathy is dedicated to 
serving all gender expressions and lifestyles.



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Aug 20, 2020

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This workshop will explore our understanding, as a predominantly white-identified group, of racism and the purpose it has played in the history of this country. We will explore how we show up in anti-racist work and question what prevents us from moving deeper into action. What can we do to transform our white allyship into anti-racist advocacy? There will be discussion and break-out sessions. In this space, will hold each other's dignity and experience and invite openness. Everyone is welcome.

About Sandi Kaplan
Sandi Kaplan runs Divine Monkey Homeopathy, now based in Sacramento CA, and has been in private practice since 2003. She has also been working towards an anti-racist world for nearly 30 years through activism and acknowledges that she is still learning. Sandi is also a trained Trauma Informed Practitioner.

In today’s hyper-stressful world, many of us as homeopaths are increasingly seeing clients who experience hypersensitive reactions to everything from foods, pollution, EMFs and allergens, to medications, OTC products, skin-care products, etc., etc., to – yes – even homeopathic remedies.  We know homeopathy to be one of the gentlest healing modalities available, one that at the same time offers the potential for powerful healing.  Still, sensitive clients can present some of our most challenging cases.


Remote (Zoom video) or In person participation available. 45 minute presentations followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.ACHENA designates this case conference for a maximum of 4 hours of continuing
professional development.


4:30 - 5:30 pm      Alexis White, CCH

2 brief cases and one longer case illustrating some aspects of case management with sensitive patients. Topics covered will be aggravations, sensitivity to repeated dosing, posology, and management of sensitive emotions during case taking.


5:30 - 6:30 pm     Karen Allen, CCH

Presentation is a case review of a highly sensitive client with multiple chemical sensitivity and materia medica discussion of Derris pinnata.


6:30 - 7:30 pm     Dinner break


7:30 - 8:30 pm     Mary Johnston, CCH

A case of a client with multiple sensitivities and ways in which I've understood her case and have worked with her homeopathically over time.


8:30 - 9:30 pm    Mary Jo Aloi, CCH


This presentation will explore the challenges of working with sensitive clients including strategies for adapting practice approaches and case management, as well as some remedy class considerations with specific examples from cases.


$25 - $45

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Homeopaths present clinical case work on the reduction of susceptibility to infection as well as the treatment of acute infection with homeopathy, resulting in less frequent need for or avoidance of antibiotics.

Conditions covered include

- recurring upper respiratory infections

- pneumonia and empayema

- chronic infection of the breast

- mastitis

- acne

- strep throat

Students of homeopathy and experienced practitioners of various levels come together to learn from our rich clinical experience of homeopathic practice in the Bay Area.

Case presentations ground our work, and only need to have helped someone with their health issue.


BAHA members have a discounted rate for conference admission.  You must be a BAHA member to present.  

12:30 - 5 pm

2215 Prince Street, Berkeley, CA

Call 415-647-7919 with questions, or email.

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Sep 25, 2016

Healing Professionals from around the Bay Area share clinical success in treating various kinds of trauma

BAHA 2016 Integrative Health Conference on Trauma

Psychotherapy, Yoga Therapy, EMDR, Ortho-Bionomy, Homeopathy, Pelvic floor Physical Therapy, Somatic Experiencing and more.  Practitioners present their clinical success in helping people with trauma.  See program for more detailed information.  Held at the San Francisco Zen Center.

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